I have a spreadsheet which is linked to 20 other spreadsheets. The 20 source spreadsheets update and save every minute. The deistination spreadsheet also updates the links and saves every minute to pull in the most recent data. Once in awhile it seems that i am getting errors about the links not being able to update. Do you think this is because both spreadsheets are trying to save/update at the same time and that could be causing the error? I notice this issue more frequently on slower running computers. How do I ignore the error and prevent it from stopping the macro? Even is the solution is that it ignores the error but it can still update it on the next minute that would be fine. Here is the code. Thank you in advance.
Sub UpdateTime3()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim cell As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim Ash As Worksheet
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
setDate = Now() + TimeValue("00:01:00")
Application.OnTime setDate, "TimeUp"
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3101\3101 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3102\3102 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3103\3103 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3104\3104 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3105\3105 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3106\3106 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3107\3107 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3108\3108 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3109\3109 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3110\3110 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3111\3111 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3112\3112 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3113\3113 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3114\3114 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3115\3115 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3116\3116 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3117\3117 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3118\3118 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3119\3119 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks
ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:= _
"G:\Med Surg\Rounding\3rd\3120\3120 Rounding.xlsm", Type:=xlExcelLinks