Hey everyone!
These are the steps I am having trouble coding:
1. Find the last row of a sheet called "Report" based on column A
2. In column HE, input a formula (=code(RC[-208])) which is supposed to be the code of column B, from HE2 until HE lastrow
3. Delete entire row if HE=32
4. Delete entire row if column BO is blank
I am having the most trouble figuring out what the general syntax for indicating to do something until the last row is. For example, I want to copy a lot of data and past it on a different sheet so how would I say to copy from cell A2:A last row? Or if I wanted to sort from B2:B last row?
I am very new to VBA so I have been using the macro recorder often which puts all of my code in a difficult to understand format.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks so much!