Hello Everyone. I am a VBA newbie and need help with a particular issue.
For work I need to design a macro that can help calculate overhead fees.
I download a raw report and I need to copy a particular secition from the report and paste it onto another page where I will do my calculations.
A simple example to clarify what I need to do is lets say I have a spread sheet with three columns (see attachment). With the first column as fruits, second column as countries and third column as numbers.
apple india 343
oranges mexico 324
bananas china 765
peaches canada 8678
cherries canada 4234
mangoes canada 545
kiwi canada 2313
apples india 13
strawberries japan 4545
I need a macro that would copy the section containing the fruits country and number for the entire section when the country is canada. Basically a macro that will stop at canada, select from peaches, down to the number 2313 and paste this box onto a another page.
Then I need my macro to caluclate 51% of the numbers of this secition.
This is a simple example of what I need to do, basically when I download the raw data there will be a spreadsheet full of ledger details, however the section I need to copy to calculate overhead charges will always have the same word "F12BAPRS" in one of the colums. I just need to copy this section and multiple the amounts by 51% to calculate overhead charges.
If anyone can assist me with my issue I would be more than grateful!