Hi all, I am extremely sorry if I have his placed this in the wrong place or even if this has been answered already.

I am trying to construct a mouse over/cross hair type of function on a chart within Excel.
I have tried to use various bits of code but have not managed to get it working. I've tried using the methods as recommended by both Andy Pope and Jon. However, although I have managed to gain some success it does not seem to do what I need. At the moment I have a mouse-over function that displays a series name, the coordinates of the closest data point and the x y pixel placement.

What I am trying to achieve is for a mouse over style of cross hair to display the following above the chart area in separate cells:
the name of the relevant series
the y co-ordinate (number of units)
the x co-ordinate (days)

I have tried to display this on the attached mock up .jpg

I would greatly appreciate any help

Attachment 167599