I have a master workbook which contains sheets named 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 etc. I also have a data workbook which contains only one sheet with headings 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 etc in the first row, from C1:BT1. Each heading in the data sheet, corresponds to a sheet in the master workbook. What I would like to do is to copy each column from the data sheet to the corresponding sheet in the master workbook.
For example,
Search in the Data sheet for heading named 1 in the first row (in C1), copy range, C2:C1000, and paste it in the master workbook, in sheet named 1, in AC5
Then search in the data sheet for heading named 2 (in D1), copy range D2:D1000, and paste it in the master workbook, in sheet named 2, in AC5.
Then search in the data sheet for heading named 3 (in E1), copy range E2:E1000, and paste it in the master workbook, in sheet named 3, in AC5.
If this can be done with a macro it would be simply great as I need to paste thousands of columns to the master workbook which will otherwise take me days to complete.
Thank you,