I have a series of yes/no questions for a survey for which the surveyee needs to select a "Yes" or "No" radio button. If they select the "No" radio button for the first, required question, the surveyee would not need to select any radio button for the next say, 3 questions because they wouldn't apply. I want to code so that if they select "No" for that first required question, and then try to answer any of the next three questions, a pop-up window would appear saying "Do not answer this question if you answered No to question 1." I know this requires some coding so what would that code be and where would I enter it? If not a pop-up box, would it be possible to do some sort of skip pattern where if they answer "No" to first question, they are automatically skipped to the next relevant question to them?

Also, I would like some of the questions to be required so how do I make it so that if the surveyee skips one of these required questions, a pop-up window appears to let them know they need to answer the required question. But I want to make sure they can save the survey at any point before completing it.

I have set up the yes no radio buttons for each question and linked them to a cell in a separate column which indicates "1" if they answered "Yes" and "2" if they answered "No" and "0" if unselected.

Please help! Thanks in advance.