Hello, I am using the API of a broker program. This is from the API Active X Guide.
void OnSTIBookUpdateMsg(structSTIBookUpdate* structBookUpdate)
void OnSTIShutdown()
HRESULT DeRegisterForAllTopOfBookMsgs()
HRESULT DeRegisterForTopOfBookMsgs(BSTR bstrSymbol, BSTR bstrBook)
BSTR GetBookInfo(BSTR bstrSymbol, BSTR bstrBook)
structSTIBookUpdate GetBookInfoStruct(bool bBid, BSTR bstrSymbol, BSTR bstrBook)
HRESULT RegisterForTopOfBookMsgs(BSTR bstrSymbol, BSTR bstrBook)
long GetQueueCount()
These are methods to request certain information ex: Quote, Bid ...
I follow the HRESULT methods, however I don't understand how to GetBookInfoStruct query. Below is a sample Code that allows me to access to the HResult type requests
Here I use RegisterForTopOfBookMsgs
What is the distinction between RegisterForTopOfBookMsgs and GetBookInfoStruct??????
Dim WithEvents quotes As SterlingLib.STIBook
Dim a As Integer
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Set quotes = New SterlingLib.STIBook
Call quotes.RegisterForTopOfBookMsgs(UCase(Sheet1.Cells(2, 1)), "ARB")
End Sub
Private Sub quotes_OnSTIBookUpdate(structSTIBookUpdate As SterlingLib.structSTIBookUpdate)
Sheet1.Cells(2, 2) = structSTIBookUpdate.fPrice
End Sub
My main concern is HOW to get the GetBookInfoStruct(bool bBid, BSTR bstrSymbol, BSTR bstrBook) info I requested.
Thank you, I hope I used the proper terms since I do not really know how to program.