So I am in need of a macro.
I am looking for some code that will copy and paste all rows on my current worksheet (excluding header row), then paste it into a specified worksheet titled "Master_tblVARIABLES" (starting in row 2, as row 1 is headers), and then move onto my next worksheet in workbook and do the same thing. Copy all rows (excluding header) and paste into the NEXT OPEN row on ""Master_tblVARIABLES."
The key is that I dont want this to run through all worksheets... I just want it to run on the current worksheet I am on, then moving onto the next worksheet in workbook, until all sheets have been copied from. Once it reaches the last worksheet, copy that data (as above), and paste it. Then End.
When I say NEXT worksheet, I dont necessarily mean next in sequential order (1,2,3, etc)....I mean NEXT in line when viewing them in excel (Control + Page Down).
Thanks in advance.