Hello Forum! Good morning! I am very new to the forum and would like help with codes.
here is my code which I need help with
this is the middle of the code
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
If Len(strFile) Then
Workbooks.Open (strPath & strFile)
MsgBox "I am unable to locate file: " & vbCr & vbCr & strPath & "?????PROCESSED.csv", , "File Not Found"
End If
What can I do? I need the process (operation) to end if it is unable to locate a file which ends with the word "PROCESSED.csv". Currently, if it is not able to find the required file, it will show the dialog box. This is good. But after i click the "ok" on the dialog box, it continues with the operation which is actually not going to be correct.
How do i code this so that if it is unable to find the "????PROCESS.csv" file, it will end the operation and will not continue?
Thank you