Thank you. This code is awesome, I am very impressed. It does the exact task that I need it to do. Just a couple small questions:
1. I wanted to add a msgbox to display how many results are found each time, but I cant figure out where i need to add the variable to count the loops. I thought i would just have to add a total = total + 1 before the "next keyWord" to counthow many keyWords it finds but that does not give me the right number. I also saw you already count the posA but that number ends up being every line used in the search results which isnt what i want bc each new Segment line is not actually a result. Any insight on this?
2. The last place (place3) always shows up under Segment on the Search Results even if no keyword is found in it. This isnt that big of a deal but I just cannot figure out why it does that? For example, in the Place 3 sheet delete the word "vessel3" off "tank and vessel3" so that it just says "tank and". then run macro and search for keyword vessel and you will see what I mean.
3. Is there an easy way to switch between search results including the entire string entered and partially containing it. Right now it finds partial strings which is what i need for the most part. But is there a simple way to change it so that if for example I search "rod", projects titles containing "product" dont show up in the results. I feel this should be relativly simple but I cant seem to figure it out. If there is not any easy way to switch back and forth between the two options then the way it is now is fine.
Thanks again for all the help thus far.