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Copy Data From Multiple Workbooks to One Workbook

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Copy Data From Multiple Workbooks to One Workbook

    I am trying to copy data from multiple other workbooks (in this example, just one wother workbook- "Machine Charting Entry.xlsm" ) into one main workbook ("OEE Charting.xlsm"). All of the data in the 'other' workbooks is layed out the same way as in OEE Charting, but has varying lengths of data. The problem that I am having is from an error when I try to paste the code into OEE Charting, there is an error "Object doesn't support this property or method" and I cannot find a way to fix it.

    Sub Import_Recorded_Data()    
        Dim wbk As Workbook
        Dim strOEEMaster As String
        Dim strMachEntry As String
        Dim strWeldEntry As String
        strOEEMaster = "G:\OEE\Master\OEE Charting.xlsm"
        strMachEntry = "G:\OEE\Machine\Machine Charting Entry.xlsm"
        ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Enter Data").Range("A2:AA60000,D7:E60000,H7:I60000,K7:U60000").ClearContents
        Set OEE = Workbooks("OEE Charting.xlsm")
        Set wbk = Workbooks.Open(strMachEntry)
        With wbk.Sheets("Entered Machine Data")
            Sheets("Entered Machine Data").Visible = True
            LastRowMCE = Sheets("Entered Machine Data").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
            Range(Cells(2, 1), Cells(LastRowMCE, 27)).Copy
        End With
        Set wbk = ThisWorkbook
        With wbk.Sheets("Enter Data")
        End With
        Workbooks("Machine Charting Entry.xlsm").Sheets("Entered Machine Data").Visible = False
        Workbooks("Machine Charting Entry.xlsm").Close (False)
    End Sub
    I have also tried using .range(cells(2,1),cells(LastRowMCE,27)).paste, but it still returns an error.
    Am I referencing the main workbook incorrectly?
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor StevenM's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Data From Multiple Workbooks to One Workbook

    This is not making any sense:

    With wbk.Sheets("Enter Data")
    End With
    With an "With ... End With" one expects a phrase which begins with a dot. For example, if you are referring to cell A2 in the worksheet "Enter Data" then:

    With wbk.Sheets("Enter Data")
    End With
    Range with a dot before it (and nothing else before the dot) goes with the With statement.

    Also, try PasteSpecial instead of Paste.


    Set OEE = Workbooks("OEE Charting.xlsm")
    You should then have a statement like:

    Dim OEE As Workbook
    As it is:
    doesn't make any sense, because you need a worksheet (or sheet) statement between a workbook and a Range.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Copy Data From Multiple Workbooks to One Workbook

    I finally got it to work, thanks for the help!

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