Good morning/afternoon!

I have a report that is supposed to have unique values in column L, however, due to human error, several of these values get duplicated. As it stands now, hundreds of these values are made unique by hand every day. I need to get my code working to stop this insanity!

Right now I have

Sub MakeTicketUnique()

Dim c01
    For Each c01 In Range("L:L").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
        If c01.Value = Range("L:L") Then ' this is where the formula hangs up.  I know it's probably the = Range ("L:L") part but I don't know the proper syntax for what I'm after...
            c01.Value = c01.Value + 999
        End If

End Sub
I don't know if there is an more efficient way to make the values truely unique, I am still fairly new to VBA. All I came up with was to add 999 to duplicate values...looking back, that's not going to work with more than 2 duplicates.

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!
