Hello all,
I am a newbie in Excel but unfortunately find myself having to provide a spreadsheet to my clients. I have been through a lot of posts but could not find anything that suited my need at this moment, so here I am seeking the kind help of all Excel Gurus out there.
My problem is as follows:
I have a budget sheet that has some cells to fill while others are locked. At the end of the sheet in the area of A86:F86, there are some crucial piece of information that need to filled in. What I need is to make a warning message to pop up informing the user that a cell is empty if the previous adjacent cell has a certain condition.
For Example:
From D86:D108, the user has the choice to pick from 2 options - "CRO" or "DPO"
If CROis picked in D86, the user must enter a number in the adjacent cell E86.
If DPO is picked, no number is required in the adjacent cells.
So if CRO is picked in any of the cells in D86:D108, the corresponding adjacent cells in the range E86:E108 have to have a number in them. I need a warning message to pop up if the user forgot to fill in the number and goes to fill in another cell.
Can anyone help me out please? Thanking you in advance.