I'm not for sure I understood your request.
If I did, then:
Backup your data.
Copy the code below to a standard module (if you don't know how, ask).
Run: Run_GetUniqueValues
It was unclear to me whether you wanted a list of all unique values from both columns C & D (or just C).
Thus in the code below you will see both:
Set rg = Range("C2:C" & nLastRow)
' Set rg = Range("C2:D" & nLastRow)
For both C & D, remove the apostrophe and add it to the line above.
The function: GetUniqueValues collects unique values from any range and stores it in a string separated by the vbCR character. Then Run_GetUniqueValues puts these values in a string array.
You didn't mention if you wanted these values sorted. I added a Bubble sort function to sort these values.
Then leaving an empty row, I copied these values below the previously last row of data in column C.
Function GetUniqueValues(rg As Range) As String
Dim vArray As Variant, i As Long, j As Long, sList As String
vArray = rg.Value
sList = vbCr
For i = LBound(vArray, 1) To UBound(vArray, 1)
For j = LBound(vArray, 2) To UBound(vArray, 2)
If InStr(1, sList, vbCr & vArray(i, j) & vbCr) = 0 Then
sList = sList & vArray(i, j) & vbCr
End If
Next j
Next i
If Len(sList) > 2 Then
GetUniqueValues = Mid$(sList, 2, Len(sList) - 2)
End If
End Function
Function BubbleSortsArray(ByRef sArray() As String)
Dim i As Long, j As Long, s As String
For i = LBound(sArray) To UBound(sArray) - 1
For j = i + 1 To UBound(sArray)
If sArray(i) > sArray(j) Then
s = sArray(j)
sArray(j) = sArray(i)
sArray(i) = s
End If
Next j
Next i
End Function
Sub Run_GetUniqueValues()
Dim rg As Range, sArray() As String, nLastRow As Long, i As Long
nLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
Set rg = Range("C2:C" & nLastRow)
' Set rg = Range("C2:D" & nLastRow)
sArray = Split(GetUniqueValues(rg), vbCr)
BubbleSortsArray sArray
For i = LBound(sArray) To UBound(sArray)
Cells(nLastRow + 2 + i, "C") = sArray(i)
Next i
End Sub