I have an equation in H1 ie "=HYPERLINK(CONCATENATE("file:///\\uranus\dckgen\Brands\Zoom\Brand - Zoom\Upload Photos\2012\week",B1,"\BHS_WK",B1,"_LR\",E1,".jpg"))"
I want to fill down as far as Column B AND OR E is filled out.
Initially I was selecting A so that the whole column was selected and then edit > Fill down.
This method starts to make the sheet very large.
How can I can write a macro that will do this? I would need to work on some sheets and not others. So sheet2 sheet4 sheet 9 etc.
it would also need to automatically happen as opposed to a button to run the macro.
This is a version of the code I have from jraj1106
Once I have this working, how might I add it to individual sheets so that it happens my default with no need to press buttons.
Many Thanks