I hope I am in the correct spot. If I am not could you point me in the right direction? Thank you.

This is my first post.

I have a project where I need to scan printed doucments in to a pdf then convert those in to excel speedsheets.

I found a program tha does a great job over all. It is caputring the data I need except for a few errors.

I would like to copy ranges of data based on a date being in a particular cell. For example, on one worksheet the date is listed in B5, on another B9.
If that cell contains the date of B5 I want to copy B6 to M29, if the date is in B10 I want to copy B10 to M33. I have attached a sample file. Sheets 1 and 4 contain example of what I just described along with color coding so you can see i easier.

Once they are copied I want to paste the into either one sheet or multiple sheet. I would perfer one sheet.

If you have questions for me please ask. I am a told **** at macros and such.

Example Workbook.xlsx