Hello, this is my first time here or any forum for that matter. So if I break protocol let me know. I created a workbook for my company but I need a some help cleaning it up. I have three problems that I would appreciate your help on. I’m a novice so the more detail the better.
The workbook has over a 100 sheets, but in most cases that many won’t be need. I would like to have the first five sheets visible and the rest hidden until the fifth sheet is being work on, then the six sheet will automatically unhide the same with the seventh sheet and so on.
Second, I created a home page to gather all the information needed off of the various sheets. The information starts with line 4. Example: Line 4 corresponds to sheet 3, Line 5 to sheet 4 and so on. I would like to have Lines 1-8 visible and the rest hidden until the corresponding sheet is activated or preferably worked on.
Third issue. Cell 1A will be the name of a street. I would like the sheet to automatically rename itself to this name. Thank you in advance for your help.