I am trying to colate data for a number of football teams and need to match Certain cells if the team is the same.
A B C 1 Team Amount Paid 2 AA £100 3 BB £100 4 AA £100 5 CC £100 6 CC £50 7 EE £110
If I do A quick Graph Example: The actual data goes down over 400 lines! and i need to do it over every line,
Now If we start in "C2" you will see the Team is "AA" amd the amount is "£100" now what i need to do is see if any other lines with team "AA" have the same amount, if there is a match we need to input "Over Paid" if we have no match then "Paid" if its a zero then it needs to be ingored as there will be lots of zeros that match.
Anyone know how i can do this?