so, my dilemma is as follows. I am trying to create an "output" summary worksheet taking data from about 5 different worksheets and consolidating it into this one "Projections Summary".
What I have it doing so far is adding the UniqueID's (Each entry in my workbook has a uniqueID) into Column A below row 3 (headers). Once that macro has run and pulled every UniqueID then I run a second macro that will loop through all of the UniqueID's pasted into Projections Summary, find it on a sheet named "pipeline" and now here's the catch, I want to be able to copy and paste the corresponding data from Pipeline to Projections Summary but the column orders are different. For Example
would need to copy to Projections Summary as:
A E K B D C I H J F Etc etc.
So this is where I'm stuck. I currently can run a loop and pull the value next to the uniqueID just using the offset function, but that's not going to cut it.
- Part 2 -
once the above has finished I want a 3rd macro to run and do roughly the same thing (search for the unique ID and copy and paste other data across) but luckily this is a pure copy and paste (same order on both worksheets), my problem that i'm running into on Part 2 is that I need it to search for this information between 5 other worksheets ("Alpha","Beta","Charlie","Delta","Echo") and I can't seem to figure out how to make it search through those 5 sheets since I've always just done either an entire workbook search or a single specific worksheet.
Any help on either part would be great. Below is some of the code I'm using
This part clears the worksheet "Projections Summary" and adds the unique ID's
Part 1 and 2 is where I need some help :\ thanks in advance