hi, reading my own words I gave it a shot with sendkeys -- and this is what I came up with 
it works, somehow, but while running excel is not very responding and I don't really know what is going on (which I don't like)
if anyone has a better idea (or better implementation with SENDKEYS please let me know!

Sub deleteName()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Names.Count
Application.StatusBar = ThisWorkbook.Names.Count - i
With ThisWorkbook.Application
If ThisWorkbook.Names.Count = 0 Then Exit For
.SendKeys "%I", 1
.SendKeys "N", 1
.SendKeys "D", 1
.SendKeys "{TAB}", 1
.SendKeys "{RIGHT}", 1
.SendKeys "{TAB}", 1
.SendKeys "{TAB}", 1
.SendKeys "{TAB}", 1
.SendKeys "{TAB}", 1
.SendKeys "{TAB}", 1
.SendKeys "{RETURN}", 1
.SendKeys "{ESC}", 1
End With
End Sub