Looks like a nice community here. Hopefully somebody can lend me a hand on this.
Here is my goal:
I have a column with 3 tri-state text strings in it. Example: |1 2 3| or |1 2 3| or | 2 3|
So, 1, 2, and 3 all have the option of being null(not present), normal, and bold.
I have set the inital value of each as normal text, without any formatting.
I have tried the following code, without much success. I keep getting Invalid Qualifier errors.
Public CharcoalText As String
Function Charcoal_Check()
CharcoalText = "AR G F"
Dim AR_Text As String
Dim GRAN_Text As String
Dim FINE_Text As String
AR_Text = "AR "
GRAN_Text = "G"
FINE_Text = " F"
CharcoalText = AR_Text & GRAN_Text & FINE_Text
If AR_NU Then AR_Text = " "
If AR_P Then
With AR_Text.Characters(Start:=1, Length:=3)
.FontStyle = "Bold"
End With
If G_NU Then GRAN_Text = " "
If G_P Then GRAN_Text.Font.bold = True
If F_NU Then FINE_Text = " "
If F_P Then FINE_Text.Font.bold = True
CharcoalText = AR_Text & GRAN_Text & FINE_Text
End Function
I am getting the error highlighting AR_Text. in "With AR_Text.Characters....."
If any further info is needed, feel free to ask.