Hi everyone.

I have a bit of a problem, and hopefully you wise Excel-ites can help me out.

As part of a new Document Management initiative in my organisation we are trying to create some new procedures and policies to fix our cluttered Shares.

One of the main problem areas is the creation and reporting of Incidents (construction business) on all sites. So we had an idea to create a Master Excel register which contains all incidents, and another workbook that will act as a 'incident form'. Staff will input basic incident details and hit a button and an appropriately named folder will be created and the incident details will be stored in the master register. Also I can only use Excel for this as most of the sites have no access to MS Access.

I have created a 'Incident Form' and a button tied to a macro that creates the folder (thanks to a response in this forum).

The trouble I'm having is the code that will write the details found in the 'Incident Form' to the Master Register.

Sorry for the wall of text but I've had no luck searching for the answer on the Web, and don't know all the required terminology so thought I would fully explain it.

Thanks a lot!
