I'm sure this can be done better. Thisdate is a set of dates in, say a1 to a100. in b1 to b100 there are values [the val range]. I'm trying to return the value in val that corresponds to thisdate matching startdate.
this code produces an error.
Function INIT(THISDATE As Range, STARTDATE As Date, VAL As Range) Dim C, B Dim ICOUNT As Integer, MAX As Integer Dim ARR1() Dim ARR2() MAX = THISDATE.Count ReDim ARR1(1 To MAX) ReDim ARR2(1 To MAX) ARR1 = Array(THISDATE) ARR2 = Array(VAL) For ICOUNT = 1 To MAX If DateValue(ARR1(ICOUNT)) = STARTDATE Then INIT = ARR2(ICOUNT) Exit Function End If Next ICOUNT End Function