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Highlighting Rows Macro

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Highlighting Rows Macro

    I am pretty new to macros. I was wondering if I could create a Macro that reads a column (let's assume F from F4 to F250). In that column it will consistently run so that everytime I put an x in the column (to check it off), it will highlight the next column. I'm always highlighting the rows I am working on and if I could have a macro that automatically does it for me without highlight and then unhilighting and then highliting the next row that would be great.


  2. #2
    Forum Expert Paul's Avatar
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    Re: Highlighting Rows Macro

    Hi Shep, welcome to the forum.

    You can do this without a macro by using Conditional Formatting. For example:

    Select G4:G250, then open the Conditional Formatting dialog. Select 'Use a formula to determine...' and then type the following formula in the textbox provided:


    Set the fill (highlight) color to yellow or whatever you desire, then click OK twice to return to your sheet. Whenever you enter an x in F4:F250, that row in column G will turn the color you chose.

  3. #3
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    Re: Highlighting Rows Macro

    I understand that but what I am trying to do is highlight the next row. Say I hax an x in row 5, then row 6 will be highlighted. Then when I put an x in row 6 I want row 6 to no longer be highlighted and then row 7 to highlight. I created the event I just need to fix the actual macro. It is as follows (don't know if the firstAddress part does anything):
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Not Intersect(Target, Range("F4:F200")) Is Nothing Then
    Call autoHighlight
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub autoHighlight()
    Dim rg As Range, c As Range
      Dim firstAddress As String
        Set rg = Range("F4", "F250")
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    With rg
        Set c = .Find("x", lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues)
        If Not c Is Nothing Then
            firstAddress = c.Address
                c.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
                Set c = .FindNext(c)
                If c Is Nothing Then Exit Do
            Loop While c.Address <> firstAddress
        End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End With
    End Sub
    Last edited by Paul; 05-31-2012 at 04:07 PM. Reason: Added CODE tags for new user. Please do so yourself in the future.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru xladept's Avatar
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    Re: Highlighting Rows Macro

    Hi Shep123,

    What about:

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    in your code?
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  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Re: Highlighting Rows Macro

    I figured it out.

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