Hi all,

I am making a excel cricket scorebook. I need your help in making this possible, Has anyone done this before?

I need to know how i can log what has been recoreded in a cell. eg

if cell A1 has had the scores being input in it before such as 4 then it was changed to 2 then 0 then 3...is there a way to log what has been verses what it was changed to?

Also if i add a value in cell A1 the batsman in C2 and C3 will have their scores go up. eg

if i had 4 into A1 then batsman in C2 will hav 4 added to its value; then i add 1 to A1 then C2 will go to value of 5, Then i had 2 to A1 then this time the value will go to C3 as the batsman has changed. The after the 6th entry the batsman will swtich again.

Any suggestions how to start this off?