I am running a program in excel and I have macors that can do all the formulas but I can't get it to do a vital part. Here's what I have
Col A counts the barecodes - countif($B1:B$1,B1). Col B is the barcode ex: 06950290B0524123840022747. Col C shows me the code - if(B1="",0,MID(B1,5,5)*1) ex: 50290. Col D gives me the date - if(B1="",0,MID(B1,12,5)*1) ex: 52412. Col E gives me code and date together - (C1&D1)*1 ex: 50290052412. Col F counts all of the different codes/dates - countif(E:E,E1) ex:116 (in this case). Col G counts each barecode incase there are duplicates - countif(B:B,B1). Col H gives me the item # - if(B1="",0,RIGHT(B1,5)*1 ex: 22747. Col I shows if an item is missing if(H1=H2-1,"OK","ERROR"). Col J shows the entire date - MID(B2,11,6) ex: 052412. Col K, Col L and Col M are for checking between different codes/dates aka batches - if(J1=J2,0,1) for Col K, and for Col L - if(C1=C2,0,1). Col M - SUM(K1:L1).
Col N sorts out the different batches by code/date based on all the barecodes within those - if(M1 0,MID(B1,5,12),0). Col O would show the amount of each batch - if(M1>0,F1,"") so 116. All formulas are extended 350 rows.
Here is where my problem lies, I am trying to find a way to read only the batches from Col N and the amounts from Col O and put them in a table without having to make the table 350 rows. My table has to be small and only show the number of batches. In this case out of 350 rows, there are batches and amounts in Col N and O in rows 116, 195, 210,225,226,254,270,334,349 and 350, the rest have zeros based on the formula. So I want a table to show those 10 batches and 10 amounts in 10 rows with a column for batches and another column for amounts one after another, is that possible, are there some formulas that will allow me to do this?
Please help.
Thank you