
I hope someone can help me...and make it easily understood. I'm such a newbie.

I am using Excel 2010 32bit & Lotus Notes 8.5.

I have an Excel 2010 list with columns named:

Institution Name (A2:A158)
Code (B2:B158)
email address (C2:C158)
location the word attachment is located (D2:D158)

I have a Lotus Notes stationary letter already set up in Lotus, all it needs is the appropriate merge info from the Excel list inserted.

I want to be able to do the following automatically:

- Open the aforementioned stationary.
- Enter the email address from C2.
- Insert the code from B2 & the institution name from A2 into the body of the email in their appropriate spots.
- Attach the corresponding Word document for that email.
- Automatically send with a copy going into the sent folder.
- Have Lotus open the same stationary again and do the steps above only this time, it would be the next line of information and the corresponding Word document.

Does this sound possible??

Any help provided would be much appreciated!

Thank you so much!