Hi All
I have a number of cells, and I need to protect them from being changed by the users ?
Any help?
Thanks in advance
Hi All
I have a number of cells, and I need to protect them from being changed by the users ?
Any help?
Thanks in advance
You need to password protect the sheet.
Review tab >> Protect sheet
Regards, Jeff
does excel offer the ability to selectively protect a single cell or range.
I know they have the "allow users to edit ranges" function but i can never seem to get it to work properly.
and if i select all cells, unprotect, then lock only the cells in the range i want locked, then enable the user to do everything except select locked cells. Then the user still doesn't have access to a lot of functions. It seems very limited in it's functionality or maybe i'm just not using it right
Last edited by JTwrk; 05-24-2012 at 03:11 PM.
Yes you can limit the protection to a single cell if you so desire.
Ctrl + 1 >> Format cells >> Protection tab >> Locked (Check or uncheck) >> Protect workbook
You still have to enable protection though, and even if you check every box, excel still turns off functionality that would normally be harmless and not impact the sheet
Like say i want to protect A1:E1. The user can do anything else in the spreadsheet except mess with that range, i still have to protect the workbook and even if i have all other cells unprotected it keeps them from using certain features that normally are allowed and that wouldn't cause a problem or impact that range in any way
basically a way to lock a range without protecting the sheet, such that a password box pops up only if someone does something that impacts the range
Please follow the forum rules and create your own thread if you have a question. I answered the first one, but this thread belongs to TallOne and his/her query.
Hi JTwrk, thanks for your contribution
Hi xladept
Thanks for your reply, I've just seen it, let me try it and I'll update you
Thanks again
How much functionality do the users need in editing the cells
You can select all cells>format cells>protection>unprotect/unclick the locked box
then select the range you want protected>format cells>protection>Locked
then go to the protect worksheet button, choose what you want users to be allowed to do and then protect the worksheet. Users will be allowed to edit the contents of unlocked cells and won't be allowed to edit the contents of your locked range.
However, when you do this even if you checked every box users are barred from certain functionality. For example lets say you only protected a range of helper cells in a column to the far right of your info range, cells that had constants or calculated values that the user didn't need to see or edit and that fed into the info range.
Now you want to filter on your info range or turn off the autofilter that's already on your info range, oh wait you can't because excel has barred you from that functionality even though you clicked every check box. You can only use the autofilter if it was already turned on before the sheet was protected and once it is protected you can't turn it off without unprotecting. And if it wasn't already on, tough luck you can't turn it on even though it has no impact on your locked range.
I find it frustrating and it's why i think excels protect function is very limited in it's functionality.
Last edited by JTwrk; 05-24-2012 at 03:46 PM.
Hi TallOne,
You could use event code like this in that sheet:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.row = 1 Then If Target.Column < 6 Then Cells(Target.row + 1, Target.Column).Select End If: End If: End Sub
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aka Orrin
Hi Jeff
Thanks for your reply, I don't want to protect the whole worksheet, I only need to protect a number of cells in a worksheet, and in the same time the user can edit the unprotected cells. I followed your steps in (#4) but does not work
Hi xladept
Could you please attach a workbook with your code (as example), please
Maybe reading through some tutorials on-line may help...
This is just one of many...
Hi TallOne,
Here's a book:
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