Okay, I've been searching all over for a solution to this and I have come up with nothing that I can get to line up with what I need to do.


I have an excel sheet that has around 80,000 employee records in it. The fields in the columns are Employee Number, Person, Assignment, Full Name, Start Date, Position(unique to person), Job (general), Location, Organization, Assignment Start Date, and Assignment End Date.

The bad thing: This data was pulled from some sort of database that we have here. Many of the records are duplicated on every field except for the Assignment Start and End Date. For Example:

11, 102, John Doe, Teacher.1256, Teacher, MN, School X, 7/16/2008, 11/15/2010
11, 102, John Doe, Teacher.1256, Teacher, MN, School X, 11/16/2010, 6/30/2011

The record being repeated is more than likely due to another field in the database that was not recorded such as a supervisor change. There can also be an unlimited number of occurrences. Also, sometimes one of the fields may have changed and so we would like to keep the records separate, for example:

11, 102, John Doe, TeacherAssistant.1256, TA, MN, School X, 7/16/2008, 11/15/2010
11, 102, John Doe, Teacher.1256, Teacher, MN, School X, 11/16/2010, 6/30/2011
11, 102, John Doe, TeacherAssistant.1256, TA, MN, School X, 7/1/2011, 6/30/2012

I'm not sure what this is going to take, but any help is appreciated. I'd imagine it would take some sort of loop to go through the entire table to lookup values over and over, but since I don't know VBA I'm out of luck there.