Hi All,
I have a Reset Macro here and i am having some trouble with selecting a cell within the macro. If you look at the code i have written a statement on line 22 of something i would like to do. I would like to be clearing the contents of this sheet and right before i clear the contents in cells C37:C56 i would like to select the cell C56. The reason i am doing this is because there is code on that page that conditionally locks cells C37:C55. when i run it right now, since some of the cells in C37:C56 are locked it comes with an error saying it cannot delete things in locked cells. So in order to unlock the cells in the sheet one must delete all of the contents that are the condition on the lock and then for some reason select cell C56. I am hoping that with this order the macro will be able to run the sheets code while runnning the macro and the sheet will be unlocked so that the macro can continue to run. I know this should be something simple but i am a VBA newbie, got most of this code from recording a macro to delete all of the user inputed data. Thanks for any help.