I'm trying to get a userform to (depending on certain values) populate different worksheets and ranges in those worksheets.
Below is the code i'm working with (in a module) while the information needing to be inserted is coming from Userform1.

However, I'm getting 2 errors, the first is with
.Range.Cells(Lastrow, 1).EntireRow.Insert
and I get the "Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment"

The second is I get a "subscript out of range" with the
sheets("shts").range("B" & Lastrow).select
and down....

any idea why it isn't working or what i need to tweak?
below is the code for this sub:

Sub forecastsubmit()
X = UserForm1.ComboBox_Pipeline_Status.Text

 Select Case X
 Case "0a-Won-Current Delivery"
     If UserForm1.ComboBox_Service_Line.Value = "A2D2" Then
            shts = "A2D2-Forecast"
            rngs = "CP"

            Lastrow = Sheets("A2D2-Forecast").Range("CP").End(xlDown).Row + 1
            With Sheets("A2D2-Forecast")
            .Range.Cells(Lastrow, 1).EntireRow.Insert
            End With
            Sheets("shts").Range("B" & Lastrow).Select
            Sheets("shts").Cells(Lastrow, 1).EntireRow.Insert
            Sheets("shts").Range("B" & Lastrow).Value = TextBox_UniqueID.Value
            Sheets("shts").Range("C" & Lastrow).Value = ComboBox_Theatre.Text
            Sheets("shts").Range("D" & Lastrow).Value = ComboBox_Vertical.Value
            Sheets("shts").Range("E" & Lastrow).Value = ComboBox_BOE.Value
            Sheets("shts").Range("F" & Lastrow).Value = TextBox_Customer.Value
            Sheets("shts").Range("G" & Lastrow).Value = TextBox_Project_Name.Text
            Sheets("shts").Range("H" & Lastrow).Value = Round(TextBox_VSD_Hours.Text / 13)
            Sheets("shts").Range("I" & Lastrow).Value = Round(TextBox_VSD_Hours.Text / 13)
            Sheets("shts").Range("J" & Lastrow).Value = Round(TextBox_VSD_Hours.Text / 13)
            Sheets("shts").Range("K" & Lastrow).Value = Round(TextBox_VSD_Hours.Text / 13)
            Sheets("shts").Range("L" & Lastrow).Value = Round(TextBox_VSD_Hours.Text / 13)
            Sheets("shts").Range("M" & Lastrow).Value = Round(TextBox_VSD_Hours.Text / 13)
            Sheets("shts").Range("N" & Lastrow).Value = Round(TextBox_VSD_Hours.Text / 13)
            Sheets("shts").Range("O" & Lastrow).Value = Round(TextBox_VSD_Hours.Text / 13)
            Sheets("shts").Range("P" & Lastrow).Value = Round(TextBox_VSD_Hours.Text / 13)
            Sheets("shts").Range("Q" & Lastrow).Value = Round(TextBox_VSD_Hours.Text / 13)
            Sheets("shts").Range("R" & Lastrow).Value = Round(TextBox_VSD_Hours.Text / 13)
            Sheets("shts").Range("S" & Lastrow).Value = Round(TextBox_VSD_Hours.Text / 13)
            Sheets("shts").Range("T" & Lastrow).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[1]-SUM(RC[-12]:RC[-1])"
            Sheets("shts").Range("U" & Lastrow).Value = TextBox_VSD_Hours.Text
            Sheets("shts").Range("V" & Lastrow).FormulaR1C1 = "=(CP_95*RC[-1])"
            Sheets("shts").Range("W" & Lastrow).Value = TextBox_Project_Details.Text
            End If
Thanks in advance