Hi guys many thanks for taking the time to look at my problem

So im having a problem with using the solver add on or algorythm. I have my chain of formulae(ki:kj) I have my 5 variables(KL9:KL13) and I have a target cell to maximize(KN18) . When I run the solver it always returns the same values as was originally input, however as a quick test to see if the solver has achieved the optimum variables i simply change KL9 to 0.26. This increases my target cell, thus i assume the solver isnt working correctly at all. Also to note, these original variables were calulated by me, not originally generated by the solver. How do i get the solver to work for this example? Is it because the calulation time on the Target cell is too high (looks at 50,000 rows of data)? Ultimately i dont care if it takes solver a day to solve this problem, but i do want to achieve the correct numbers.

Because of the original size of this document it is 15mb, obviously i couldn't upload to this website as a result of this but i have provided a dropbox download link. I hope this is acceptable.


If anyone can help i would be much appreciative.

Thanks again, Alan