I have racked my brain with this one although im sure its easy for many of you. I am using DGET to look through a tables. First there is a dropdown box that has the values of column B to choose from. Once you choose... It plugs in the rest of the information from that row to the cells scattered around the sheet where they belong. The problem came up when there are items in column B that are identicle. Since the rest of the data on the row is unique to the other cells in the row with the identicle data in column B. The easiest way I can think of to bypass this problem would be to find a way to search all of column B of the worksheet "Data2" and onthe first duplicate cell add a character such as "*". on the next duplicate add "**"

for example

column B coulmn C
test one
test two
test three
real one

so I would need row 1 coulmn B to stay test
row 2 column B to become test *
row 3 coulmn B to become test**

thanks in advance to anyone taking the time to try this