I have been working on this for a couple days and can't get it right. I need a macro to read a value in B2 from the second sheet and then find the row of data based on that value from the first sheet. However, the sheets we use have multiple data sets that are then calculated and I only need the data from that found row for the columns marked SS. So, the part I'm getting confused is how would I be able to get it to copy both the titles and the data based on a column marked SS after finding the row from the earlier criteria. In short, I want it to match lot #'s from sheet two and then only bring over data that the headers are marked SS to sheet 2 including the titles. It can be pasted anywhere for now as I will tune it up later once I figure out all the details. I am updating the old macro so that if we change things on one sheet, the macro will not get messed up and lose references. I know basic VBA and will edit everything to make it work on all the files, so I am attaching a simplified version that once I know the code, I can apply it. I give examples in the spreadsheet as well. Thanks in advance.
