Hi ! I need your help guys ... I am having an excel worksheet with approximately 2000 rows and 30 columns (E6:AF2000) and I am trying to create a cell where you can type the value or text I am looking for (let's say A2) and based on that I need it to show me only the rows that are relevant to the search.
I was trying to do this myself and I succeed in creating a formula and do the search trick by using SEARCH, RANK, VLOOKUP and IFERROR, but doing this it will return me the results in a specified range that I set ... and I don't need this because I have to add some more data in the existing rows.
Basically, I need something like a dynamic search and display only the rows based on the search, then I would manually add the data on the row from the table (which is E6:AF2000) and have the information stored.
I dig up a bit and looking for a solution to this and I end up searching for a visual basic code to hide and unhide rows based on the search from the cell A2, but none worked as expected...
I hope you understand what I am looking for. It would really save me from a lot of time.
Thank you very much for your time ! I appreciate.