Dear forum members. This is my first time using such a forum so please be patient with me.
I would like to create a database which can enter data, retrieve data and edit data, and display multiple data entries of the same client pulling in all the relevant data.
I have created in the past VB forms and entered data, retrieved single line data entries and edited with success. My problem is to retrieve all the data from a single client, from an extensive list of clients, display the selected cells from predefined columns. I have used VLook up and match together, usually as excel coding not VBA. All the above was by studing VB examples and ploding through them.

There is currently no unique identifier with each client (although if required, this could be easily be done by concatenating say date of birth figures and say three letters of their surname with the initial of their forename for example).
There is date of entry against each client, (and also shown as a period within the financial calendar and year), forename, surname, data of birth, type of care packages etc.

My ideal solution is to enter data in a VB form it will search the relevant columns of data, with the user adding more data to refine the search in the following order:

Date of Birth
Other – subject to feed back

Then display all of the records against that client.

Best Regards Emanon57