Hi guys

I'm new to Excel VBA so go soft on me yea?

I currently have a table on a a worksheet, and its quite large, but the cells can be filled in based on a predictable pattern, based on other data in the sheet

I have solved that pattern, as I got the first column to fill out nicely. The trouble is I cannot get it to continue to the second column.

heres how my code looks very simply

row = starting row number
col = starting row number

while col < the column after the table ends (determined by a short formula)

while row < the row after table ends (determined by short formula)

(calculation formula here, that calculates data and fills the table... should be irrelevant to the issue)

row = row + 1


col = col + 1 <------ when i use the F8 thing here, it seems that the program does go to this step but doesn't loop back although the value of col is still less then the column after table ends


Its really bugging me and I need it solved quite urgently

thanks so much in advance!