Please find the file. I want to check from the column Age, Comments and Summary and the follow the above mentioed proceedure. I would need the rows with Name A, g, q to be removed (as they contain the required substring) from the sheet. (Sorry Iam not able to attach the file, facing some problem)
Name Reg. Date Age Comments Summary
A 22-04-2012 1 alkdfhklashf lkgjlkj good morningladsjflkj
b 22-04-2012 2 qewrthdkj xkcnj,xzn
c 22-04-2012 3 gkjqhkrtghkgv vkhakh
d 22-04-2012 4 dskbvakjdhv cxbv
e 22-04-2012 5 dslfhekrhg ewru
f 22-04-2012 6 dvnbcxmvh xzjcb
g 22-04-2012 7 lkdgalsjgood morningadlfjas aieur
h 22-04-2012 8 aldshgfkladh zxc,mnx
i 22-04-2012 9 adterig rietuire
j 22-04-2012 34 dlktjeri dfgghcvxc
k 22-04-2012 23 cxvn,mn xcbcvn
l 22-04-2012 12 eritue dfgdfh
m 22-04-2012 76 cxbv sdfsdf
n 22-04-2012 87 aeiwtu xcvbcvbn
o 22-04-2012 53 adncb sfsfgdh
p 22-04-2012 33 akeur xcvbcvbn
q 22-04-2012 54 dmnfv,good morningadlkfjaklj sddfd
r 22-04-2012 24 dlkfn zxvzv
s 22-04-2012 65 arot dfhdfh
t 22-04-2012 43 damvn cxvdfghdf