Hi Everyone, I'm new on this forum.

We are trying to create invoices by pulling together data from multiple worksheets. We have an "AccountsList" worksheet with account numbers, customer name addr etc. in rows and a "RECEIPTS" worksheet with receipt numbers and account numbers and dollar totals. We can use VLOOKUP to populate the appropriate fields on the invoice sheet by looking up the account number. But when we try to use VLOOKUP to access the Receipts sheet to pull the Receipt number and Amount, we only get the first receipt number, it will not pull them all if a customer number has several receipts.
Cust#702 has 3 Receipts in 3 different rows like this:

Cust# Rec# Amount
702 10123 $725.92
702 10475 $125.21
702 10587 $75.11

All we can get is the first row.

What is the best way to pull multiple rows with the same lookup criteria? Or is this even possible?

Appreciate any help!
