I have a spreadsheet with multiple pages and lots of data. This is how it is set up:
*Page 1= Total list of all the people, their organization, whether they are cleared on certain criteria or not (i.e. John Smith, 113th Cav, Dental Class 3, Not Clear)
*Page 2= List of all people who are not cleared or have deficiencies

Page 3-15 are unit breakdowns so it only lists the people in a certain unit

What I'm trying to do is if I put in information on page 1 that it will automatically populate on the corresponding pages. For example, if I put someone on the total list that is in the 113th Cav, he will automatically populate on the 113th Cav page.

Or if I change someone on the total list from Cleared to Not Clear, that he will automatically populate on the deficiencies page.

I was told you can't do that with formulas but would have to code, no idea how to do that.

Thanks so much EXAMPLE IMR.xlsx