Hi all,

I have created a userform that I am going to use to collect some data. By using the following link (http://www.exceltip.com/st/Create_Us...Excel/629.html) I have created this:

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
TextBoxItemName.Value = ""
With cboCategory
.AddItem "IT System"
.AddItem "Personnel"
.AddItem "ROV"
.AddItem "ROV Survey Systems"
.AddItem "ROV Tooling and NDT Systems"
.AddItem "Vessel"
.AddItem "Vessel Consumables"
.AddItem "Vessel Survey Systems"
End With
cboCategory.Value = ""
If cboCategory.Value = "IT System" Then
CboSubCategory.AddRange ("IT_System")
If cboCategory.Value = "Personnel" Then
CboSubCategory.AddRange ("Personnel")
If cboCategory.Value = "ROV" Then
CboSubCategory.AddRange ("ROV")
If cboCategory.Value = "ROV Survey Systems" Then
CboSubCategory.AddRange ("ROVSurveySystems")
If cboCategory.Value = "ROV Tooling and NDT Systems" Then
CboSubCategory.AddRange ("ROVToolingandNDTSystems")
If cboCategory.Value = "Vessel" Then
CboSubCategory.AddRange ("Vessel")
If cboCategory.Value = "Vessel Consumables" Then
CboSubCategory.AddRange ("VesselConsumables")
If cboCategory.Value = "Vessel Survey Systems" Then
CboSubCategory.AddRange ("VesselSurveySystems")
End If

CboSubCategory.Value = ""
TextBoxItemName.Value = ""
With cboTypeOfAcquisition
.AddItem "Consumables"
.AddItem "Employed"
.AddItem "Hire In"
.AddItem "Investment"
.AddItem "Owned"
End With
cboTypeOfAcquisition.Value = ""
With CboCurrency
.AddItem "BRL"
.AddItem "DKK"
.AddItem "EUR"
.AddItem "GBP"
.AddItem "MXN"
.AddItem "NOK"
.AddItem "SEK"
End With
CboCurrency.Value = ""
TextBoxPurchasingPrice.Value = ""
End Sub

With the cboSubCategory I am trying to make it dependent of the choice made in the cboCategory. Can't make this work. Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance!
