I have 3 columns of data (A1-C1), record, study and institution(all numeric). When an institution has multiple studies, the institution # is repeated on as many rows as there are different studies. Also, each study has a unique recordID which is in another column.
So if institution 5 has 3 studies there would be three rows of data where 5 would appear in all three rows under institution and 3 different numbers would appear in the record and study columns.
My goal is change this so that everything is on one line- institution listed once, preceded by multiple columns to list study and record.
record study institution
11657 35633 5
11464 35678 5
11954 35567 5
41687 21456 43
41587 21657 43
41356 21756 43
41807 21865 43
41678 21576 43
record record record record record study study study study study institution
11657 11464 11954 . . 35633 35678 35567 . . 5
41687 41587 41356 41807 41678 21456 21657 21756 21865 21576 43
To do this I would need to transpose record and study from rows to columns where institution is repeated. The data is from line A2 through A1761. There are up to 9 studies for one individual institution, so there will have to be 9 columns for record and 9 columns for study.
Bonus point, I have Column D, E, F, G which are just like institution in that they are repeated in subsequent rows for different studies. They are repeated exactly the same as institution, so if institution is repeated, column D through G will also be repeated (D and E are names and F G are dates) I would like them to also appear (right after institution).
institution first last sent received
5 john doe 5/17/2009 5/19/2009
5 john doe 5/17/2009 5/19/2009
5 john doe 5/17/2009 5/19/2009
43 jane flugelhorn 5/16/2009 5/21/2009
43 jane flugelhorn 5/16/2009 5/21/2009
43 jane flugelhorn 5/16/2009 5/21/2009
43 jane flugelhorn 5/16/2009 5/21/2009
43 jane flugelhorn 5/16/2009 5/21/2009
5 john doe 5/17/2009 5/19/2009
43 jane flugelhorn 5/16/2009 5/21/2009
so what I would love to have all on one line:
record record record record record study study study study study institution name last name date sent date received
11657 11464 11954 35633 35678 35567 5 john doe 5/17/2009 5/19/2009
Thanks for the help!