Hi Dave,
I have created a File which has a User Form with 4 Command Buttons and I need the user Form to be visible on clicking inside the column exactly the same way you have already done except that this time it will be an User Form...
I also need help on the 4 Command Buttons, as you see this is Sheet which is used to record Fixed Deposit Entries..Usually the FD's are to be renewed incase we fail to submit the physical receipts on time, this is carried automatically by the bank which means that they just renew the F.D with the same details excpet that the Interest Rate changes subject to the prevailing interest rate..
1. Renew F.D. - What I need with this Button is to just copy the contents of the Target Cells CEll B ( Account Holder ), Cell C ( Bank Name ), Cell E (FDR Acct No), Cell F ( FDR No ), Cell G ( Int Rate ), Cell I ( Maturity Date ) and Cell K ( Maturity Amount ) and paste in the last row...
Most of the data would get pasted in the same columns i.e CEll B ( Account Holder ), Cell C ( Bank Name ), Cell E (FDR Acct No), Cell F ( FDR No ), Cell G ( Int Rate ) but some data changes its location as this FD is renewed so now the earlier Maturity Data becomes the opening Date and the New Maturity Date should be exactly the difference between the actual opening and Maturity Date so in this case it will be 182 days in my first example ....
Also, the Investing Amount would be the maturity Amount...
This FD is automatically created by the Bank and if you fail to report in 14 days and want to submit the Fd in your saving account then you lose the interest for those many days..
2. Continue F.D. - Same like above except that the Maturiy Date will be entered by the user manually as this FD is opened voluntarilly and not compulsorily
3. Delete Last Entry - Delete Last Row..
4. Delete Range : lets say the selected row is 8 and the data is filled till the 10 row then I need the deletion to take place from the row 8,9 and 10..