Ok this is a pretty complicated question. I am given a txt file "Data.txt". It has a lot of these lines

[GPS: Central time,lat,dir,lon,dir,vel,cog,trk]
[GPS: Central time,lat,dir,lon,dir,vel,cog,trk]

What I'm wondering is how to extract each of the "Central Time" "lat" "dir" etc. from the file's first line. Then ignoring them for the rest of the file while still extracting each of the "135921.00" "3609.75843" "N" etc . I keep getting confused as to which variables I'm using or if I'm even using them correctly. Any help would be appreciated.

Note - I already have the file opening, just need to know how to access the string/substrings. I'm also having to post the "Central Time" ect. as titles from A1-H1, as well as continuously post the data from An-Hn. In case anyone knows how to do that dynamically either.