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Alert - When 3 conditions are met on the same row

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Alvin Hunter Alert - When 3 conditions are... 04-16-2012, 11:39 AM
DGagnon Re: Alert - When 3 conditions... 04-16-2012, 12:01 PM
Alvin Hunter Re: Alert - When 3 conditions... 04-16-2012, 02:39 PM
DGagnon Re: Alert - When 3 conditions... 04-16-2012, 03:02 PM
Alvin Hunter Re: Alert - When 3 conditions... 04-16-2012, 03:38 PM
DGagnon Re: Alert - When 3 conditions... 04-16-2012, 04:04 PM
Alvin Hunter Re: Alert - When 3 conditions... 04-16-2012, 04:17 PM
DGagnon Re: Alert - When 3 conditions... 04-16-2012, 04:19 PM
Alvin Hunter Re: Alert - When 3 conditions... 04-16-2012, 04:49 PM
DGagnon Re: Alert - When 3 conditions... 04-16-2012, 05:46 PM
Alvin Hunter Re: Alert - When 3 conditions... 04-17-2012, 09:59 AM
DGagnon Re: Alert - When 3 conditions... 04-17-2012, 10:09 AM
  1. #1
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    Alert - When 3 conditions are met on the same row

    Hello All,

    I'm looking for vba for the following situation.

    Excel 2007

    On tab (Sheet4) labeled "Orders"

    Event trigger = After data has been entered into the first empty cell(s) of Column H

    Check to see if the following three conditions are true (I shall setup a button to activate the VBA code)

    1st - Column C - a cell has the phrase -> 2) Replacement Only
    2nd - Column B - same row, the cell has a date that is -> older than 10 days
    3rd - Column H - same row, the cell is -> blank (should have a date in it - If it has a date - no action regardless of the age of the date in column B)

    'When all three conditions are met then a Message box: A Replacement Only Order has not delivered yet.
    And have the cell in column C have this attribute... ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6

    If there re not any instances then no message or alert.

    It would be cool if the message box could report how many instances occurred. If not, it wouldn't be

    necessary for multiple Message box pop ups for each instance. (Just one alert)

    Thanks so much in advance.
    Last edited by Alvin Hunter; 04-16-2012 at 11:45 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert DGagnon's Avatar
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    Re: Alert - When 3 conditions are met on the same row

    i was a bit confused if you wanted this to loop through multiple lines, but this will run on the line you enter a change, i can modify to loop if that is what you are looking for.

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    If Target.Column = 8 Then
        If Range("C" & Target.Row).Value = "2) Replacement Only" And _
            Range("B" & Target.Row).Value < Date - 10 And _
            Range("H" & Target.Row).Value = 0 Then
            MsgBox ("A Replacement Only Order has not delivered yet.")
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
        End If
    End If
    End Sub
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  3. #3
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    Re: Alert - When 3 conditions are met on the same row

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Yes, please. The code needs to loop.

    Thanks again.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert DGagnon's Avatar
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    Re: Alert - When 3 conditions are met on the same row

    what would be the range for the loop?

    row 2 through first empty in row in column C?

  5. #5
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    Re: Alert - When 3 conditions are met on the same row

    That would work. Thank you again

  6. #6
    Forum Expert DGagnon's Avatar
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    Re: Alert - When 3 conditions are met on the same row

    test this out and let me know how it works

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim Flaged As Boolean
    Dim i As Integer
    Flaged = False
    For i = 2 To Range("C1048576").End(xlUp).Row
        If Range("C" & i).Value = "2) Replacement Only" And _
            Range("B" & i).Value < Date - 10 And _
            Range("H" & i).Value = 0 Then
            ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
        End If
    If Flaged = True Then MsgBox ("A Replacement Only Order has not delivered yet.")
    End Sub

  7. #7
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    Re: Alert - When 3 conditions are met on the same row

    The code found one instance, however there are two on the spreadsheet. It found the one at the bottom of column H. The other instance is 5 rows up. The message box did not appear either.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert DGagnon's Avatar
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    Re: Alert - When 3 conditions are met on the same row

    could you supply a test workbook? and the msgbox was my falut, this shoudl fix that

    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim Flaged As Boolean
    Dim i As Integer
    Flaged = False
    For i = 2 To Range("C1048576").End(xlUp).Row
        If Range("C" & i).Value = "2) Replacement Only" And _
            Range("B" & i).Value < Date - 10 And _
            Range("H" & i).Value = 0 Then
            Range("H" & i).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
            Flaged = True
        End If
    If Flaged = True Then MsgBox ("A Replacement Only Order has not delivered yet.")
    End Sub
    Last edited by DGagnon; 04-16-2012 at 04:42 PM. Reason: code edit

  9. #9
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    Re: Alert - When 3 conditions are met on the same row

    Test sheet .xlsm

    I created a duplicate of row 1475 and placed it on row 1470

    The spreadsheet get updated daily. So, new data in all columns occur every day.

    Thanks again

  10. #10
    Forum Expert DGagnon's Avatar
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    Re: Alert - When 3 conditions are met on the same row

    this should work, as you are using a button to run it, you dont need it in the change event you can just put it in a new sub

    Sub Test
    Dim Flaged As Boolean
    Dim i As Integer
    Flaged = False
    For i = 2 To Range("C1048576").End(xlUp).Row
        If Range("C" & i).Value = "2) Replacement Only" And _
            Range("B" & i).Value < Date - 10 And _
            Range("H" & i).Value = 0 Then
            Range("H" & i).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
            Flaged = True
        End If
    If Flaged = True Then MsgBox ("A Replacement Only Order has not delivered yet.")
    End Sub

  11. #11
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    Re: Alert - When 3 conditions are met on the same row

    That works! Thanks again.

  12. #12
    Forum Expert DGagnon's Avatar
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    Re: Alert - When 3 conditions are met on the same row

    glad to help, good luck with the rest of the project.

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