I am new to this forum and a newbie at writing macros. I CANNOT for the life of me figure out how to even start writing the macro for what it is that I am looking for. I would appreciate any and all help!!! And, just maybe this one is impossible.
I would like to
divide the info up based on it's Area ( there are 4 areas - c, ins, mtw and mtm)
within each Area, I would like to find a way to evenly distribute the column E "G ave" between a variable number of people. for example - area c ends up having a grand total of 27,483 I would like to divide all those numbers evenly as possible between 7 people for example. Other constraint I would like to keep the column A "RC" together as much as possible. so for example 3,927 will be assigned to person 1 all within RC "301"
Also the list could grow longer vertically.
Attached is an example PLZ ask me any and all questions I tried to explain what it is I am looking for but if further explanation is needed PLEASE let me know.
Again I would appreciate ANY and ALL help with this one!!! I've been pulling out my hair trying to figure it out!
Thank you eternally in advance!!!