I have several funds- which all have securities traded in them- grouped by asset id.
Each group has a different maturity - or days held (there is a column inserted for this) and gives the days to maturity if the group of asset ids , has remaining held shares- the # in this column is the days held- however, this only applies where they did not sell out everything- so i have those with zeros in it(in the kd shares column)- which means they did sell out everything- but the days held in those columns are more tricky to figure out because its not just trade date minus the maturity date- because the day they actually sold it minus the trade date is the actual days held (not the first trade-minus the maturity date) , and that changes according to how many times they bought or sold .
so my problem is this:
This end of period held- which is my row for # shares the asset ids held after buying & selling.
It does not show up in my pivot because i dont have an associated trade year for it (it does have an asset id but the pivot is just ugly then- it puts the helds , then buys,etc..basically i cant visualize to do any manipulation), so i cant get a real grasp of the data in the pivot. going one by one through the groups would be tedious because i have 8 other funds each with lines and lines of asset ids.
Is there a simple way I can manage a pivot so i can see by year the # of trades- , the asset ids, the buys and sells for that asset id, and ALSO the end shares held ? The attached is a sample of one fund. This data is confidential; if you take out of here and are found using any part of it could mean serious legal repercussions, so please do not retain a copy of it except for finding a solution.
Liborfor Excel Forum 2mn4 test.xlsx