Hello all,

I have a working Excel VBA "Checker" (validation) script that gets launched on a worksheet by a button. After the "Run the Checker" button is clicked, a MsgBox dialog is presented, asking the user if they want to Proceed or Cancel. Similar to this:

intConfirmReply = MsgBox("Really run 'Checker' routine?  This will take a few moments!", _
        vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1, "Checker v1.1")
What I would like to do is add a checkbox to that MsgBox, in order to get the user to flip a switch, so to speak. Based on whether the checkbox is checked, I would set a flag in my code to do some different tasks.

And as long as I'm considering this approach, I could foresee in the future perhaps adding a second and third checkbox.

I'm all about keeping this simple. I'm not looking to build a front-end! I've got my hands full building out the back-end logic!

Is this possible with the MsgBox function? Or do I need a completely different mechanism?

In a nutshell, I presently have two options I'd like for the user to choose from, a "quick check" or a "thorough check".

Please point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance!

Flatlander by the Lake