Ok, I was told to make a form in Excel, I told my boss I didn't know how to, but he didn't care to listen, so I am asking for help again because I've gotten to here with scouring the net using multiple scripts and the basis off what I was using before.
This script:
Sub ViewLogDown()
Dim historyWks As Worksheet
Dim inputWks As Worksheet
Dim rngA As Range
Dim lRec As Long
Dim lRecRow As Long
Dim lLastRec As Long
Dim lastRow As Long
Application.EnableEvents = False
Set inputWks = Worksheets("Input")
Set historyWks = Worksheets("PartsData")
Set rngA = ActiveCell
With historyWks
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row - 1
lLastRec = lastRow - 1
End With
With inputWks
lRec = .Range("CurrRec").Value
If lRec < lLastRec Then
.Range("CurrRec").Value = lRec + 1
lRec = .Range("CurrRec").Value
lRecRow = lRec + 1
historyWks.Range(historyWks.Cells(lRecRow, 3), historyWks.Cells(lRecRow, 6)).Copy
.Range("D5").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Transpose:=True
End If
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Takes the cells in column D starting at D5 and ends at D10, and then puts them at the last row after no more data is shown of another sheet "PartsData" and pastes them into a single row.
The forum he has in mind has not only 24 fields, but they are not all in one row, or column. The part he wants is all on paper right now, so don't ask for a design just yet I'll be working on that tomorrow.
I found this in an excel sheet that someone posted, and have been attempting to dissect it all day today with little to no success except for what I have said above.
What I need to do is have it where not only does this enter data into a field, and put it into another sheet, but I need to have like this one does a drop-down where it will show all old information by selecting a drop down menu to choose an ID number which will be known to the person using this sheet.
the problem I am having beyond the multiple fields, but how the fields are populated when there seems to be no script or VBA pulling data.
If anyone can help me with this it would be greatly appreciated.
If anyone needs clarification please ask, my mind is mush, this makes sense to me now, but it may not to anyone else.