1. Column A contains text; Column B contains values
2. User will select a gapless range within Column A and only Column A
Upon running, I would like to apply the text of each cell within the selected range to the adjacent Column B cell as a Named Range.
(A1 = Tom; B1 = 1,300,000; Named Range for B1 becomes "Tom"; repeat through end of selection)
My effort below. I suppose I need help setting the selected range boundaries and likely developing the loop:
Sub ApplyAdjacentName()
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim rngSource As Range
Dim strName As String
'Need help here
Set rngSource = Selection.Rows.count
For Each rngCell In rngSource
strName = CStr(rngCell.Value)
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=strName, RefersToR1C1:=rngCell.Offset(0, 1)
Next rngCell
End Sub